By law all landlords must renew their gas safety certificate annually to ensure their appliances are safe to use, and a record of the safety check must be provided to tenants within 28 days of it being carried out. Failure to follow the guidelines set out in the Gas Safety (Installation and Use) Regulations 1998 can leave landlords with fine of £10,000.
Our Gas Safe accredited plumbers can provide quick and effective safety certificates, checking up to two appliances comply with regulations and providing you with the necessary gas safety certificate.
How much does a landlord gas safety certificate cost?
Our straightforward gas safe certificate service costs £80 (plus VAT) for two appliances. Each additional appliance is charged at £20 (plus VAT).
If you are a landlord or property manager and would like to discuss rates for ongoing work or for more than one property please give our team a call on
020 822 66 300.